Why do you need an Enterprise Integrated Mgt System?

3 min readJul 26, 2019


An integrated mgt system integrates all of an organizations systems and processes in to one complete framework, enabling an organization to work as a single unit with unified objectives. Organizations often focus on mgt systems individually, often in silos and sometimes even in conflict. Business information is doubling every 2 years and fragmented information increases risk and is expensive to manage.

Even enterprises don’t care about ISO 9001 & 14001 conformance, they want to at least avoid the “six men of Indostan” syndrome in their decision-making process. Except WisageTech, no other vendors have totally solved the problems discussed in the “INTEGRATION — Costly, Painful and Worth It” and “Future of SaaS Companies” articles below. Fujitsu-HK using 8Manage to replace 3 of its old modules (CRM, Service Mgt, HCM) and implement 5 of its new modules (Timesheet Mgt, Project Mgt, Procurement Mgt, Outsourcing Mgt and Spare Parts Mgt) with zero application integration cost is a good proof of its unique pre-built integration and application bridging capabilities.

Pre-built Internal Module Integration

Our client can select a single module or any combination of modules to implement. For integrating with legacy systems, 8Manage provides the application bridge for the easiness of integration.

Application Bridge for External Module Integration

8Manage has integrated practices already built in for all its modules. If a client wants to remain using its legacy modules, we will provide the application bridge to allow the legacy modules to interface with the corresponding 8Manage modules so that data can be imported and exported between the legacy modules and the 8Manage modules and all prebuilt integrated practices still can be used.

Data Are Automatically Linked Across Modules

8Manage was designed with CRM, PPM, SPM, O2O, HCM, OA, Finance and FAS usage scenarios and integrated management in mind from day one. It is a single integrated information model for all different modules and these modules can be used separately as CRM, PPM, SPM, O2O, HCM, OA, Finance and FAS. Therefore, when a project deliverable is late, the penalty will be automatically reflected in the Profit & Loss of the associated contract according to the SLA and of course the appropriate alert message will be sent out to the relevant people. Similarly, the approved change of a sales order will automatically trigger updates in R&D, supply-chain and production plans and financial forecasts.

Integrated Decision Support

Most enterprises are at the lowest 2 levels of integrated mgt today and not prepare themselves well for the new era. 8Manage would allow them to move up to the 3rd, 4th or 5th level of integrated mgt.

When an enterprise reaches the 3rd level of integrated mgt, it would achieve the highest level of decision support and managerial efficiency for its business operations. When an enterprise reaches the 4th level, it would be able to make optimized decisions and achieve the highest level of business operations efficiency across its clients and business partners . When an enterprise reaches the 5th level, it would be able to collect micro behavior statistics of its employees, clients and business partners and use the data for deep learning for recognizing and predicting patterns and automatically selecting or devising methods for optimized results.




Written by 8Manage

8Manage develop & sell blockchain based enterprise mgt software, including CRM,PPM,SPM,OA,HCM and Finance.

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